Friday, 14 September 2012

The mark you leave behind

The mark you leave behind
When someone passes on, you hear all the remarks people pass about the deceased.
(2012-09-14) Is the day SA rugby members wake up to the sadness of Malome Peter Maimane passing.
Malome Peter Maimane (File)
Springbok captain Jean de Villiers pays tribute to former Springbok technical analyst Malome Peter Maimane 1971 2012, who died on Thursday 11 September 2012. Jean de Villiers describes him as an integral part of the team during his term.
Malome Peter Maimane (41),worked as a technical advisor for the Bulls and Lions Super Rugby teams and as an analyst to both the SA Under-19 and Emerging South Africa teams before receiving the call to work with the senior side.
Malome Peter Maimane touched the lives of most of the rubgy players. Springbok players mention that they will miss his big smile that he used to pull while standing at the side of the rugby field.
He was one of the real characters of the Springbok squad in the time he was with them; a man of great good humour and positivity who was always ready with a laugh and joke to brighten the team environment.
This is very sad news indeed, said Mr Oregan Hoskins, president of the South African Rugby Union. Apart from his technical expertise, Malomes larger-than-life personality set him apart."
Malome Peter Maimane will be missed.


  1. It is indeed saddening that a person who touched so many lives has left this world.May his soul rest in peace.

  2. This is a lost to the nation more to the ruby community. MYA HE REST IN PEACE-THERE IS INTERNAL LIFE AFTER DEATH.

  3. may his soul rest in peace.he did his part.

  4. South Africa is a very cruel and cold country in a way that a person has to die for their effort and presence to actually be displayed and saluted.

  5. That said hey, what I like about touching people life is that even if you die our works dont die, we will alwys remember him with his good works.

  6. once again the nation has lost a very important person its sad that a person playing a huge role in the country has to pass away but thats life we must jst accept and keep his spirit living
