Friday, 21 September 2012

How can we help all officials involved in the "stop drug abuse in sports SA"?

       SA sports must stop drug abuse

Just five years ago, most of the violence
 centered around Stop
South Africas drug abuse rates have gone high by 17%, according to the 2011/2012 drug abuse statistics. Sports seem to be making headlines of cases of sportsmen abusing drugs.
A total of 55 doping rule violations were reported across 13 sports disciplines in South Africa between April 2011 and June 2012, the SA Institute for Drug Free Sport (Saids) announced on Wednesday (19 September 2012).
The concern we have is that athletes continue to have a 'laissez faire' attitude towards sports supplements, even though they run the risk of it severely impacting on the longevity of their sports careers, CEO Khalid Galant said in a statement.
Since sports is about to be an investment of job creation in SA. SA sports officials should also take a closer look at drug abuse in SA sports. It is becoming a serious concern for the nation because of the lately reported cases.
It is quite obvious that sports officials are doing something to work on decreasing drug abuse in sports SA. What can we do as Public Relations Practitioners to assist the SA sports officials to campaign on reducing drug abuse in sport SA.



Friday, 14 September 2012

The mark you leave behind

The mark you leave behind
When someone passes on, you hear all the remarks people pass about the deceased.
(2012-09-14) Is the day SA rugby members wake up to the sadness of Malome Peter Maimane passing.
Malome Peter Maimane (File)
Springbok captain Jean de Villiers pays tribute to former Springbok technical analyst Malome Peter Maimane 1971 2012, who died on Thursday 11 September 2012. Jean de Villiers describes him as an integral part of the team during his term.
Malome Peter Maimane (41),worked as a technical advisor for the Bulls and Lions Super Rugby teams and as an analyst to both the SA Under-19 and Emerging South Africa teams before receiving the call to work with the senior side.
Malome Peter Maimane touched the lives of most of the rubgy players. Springbok players mention that they will miss his big smile that he used to pull while standing at the side of the rugby field.
He was one of the real characters of the Springbok squad in the time he was with them; a man of great good humour and positivity who was always ready with a laugh and joke to brighten the team environment.
This is very sad news indeed, said Mr Oregan Hoskins, president of the South African Rugby Union. Apart from his technical expertise, Malomes larger-than-life personality set him apart."
Malome Peter Maimane will be missed.